Who told you to shave your Grass?

Seriously, who gave you that advice? Because let me tell you, mowing your lawn too short is one of the worst things you can do for it. Think about it—if shaving your head made hair grow back quicker, thicker, or healthier, I’d be flaunting a full mane by now. But here’s the truth: it doesn’t work that way, and your lawn isn’t any different.

The Real Turfgrass Professionals Know:

  1. Mow Every 5-7 Days: To keep your lawn in top shape, never remove more than one-third of the grass blade at a time. This ensures the grass retains enough leaf area to photosynthesize, which is crucial for its health.
  2. Use a Sharp Blade: A dull mower blade is like using a blunt razor on your face—ineffective and damaging. Sharpen your blade at least twice per season to give your lawn a clean cut.
  3. Mow at the Right Height: Keep your grass at a height of 2.75 to 3 inches (that’s usually the top or second-to-top setting on your mower). This height helps the grass grow thicker, stronger, and more resilient against weeds and disease.

Here’s How You’ll Benefit:

  1. Thicker, Healthier Grass: By mowing correctly, your grass will grow in thicker, which naturally crowds out weeds and reduces the need for herbicides.
  2. Less Work, Better Results: Mulching becomes more effective with frequent mowing, meaning those clippings will decompose and feed your lawn. Plus, you’ll spend less time mowing because you’re cutting less grass more often.
  3. Save on Fertilizer: Thicker grass needs less fertilizer, and the natural mulch from clippings provides extra nutrients, making your lawn more self-sufficient.
  4. Easier Mowing: When your lawn looks good, mowing becomes less of a chore and more of a quick, satisfying task.
  5. Fewer Weeds: Thicker grass is your lawn’s natural defense against weeds. By maintaining proper mowing habits, you’re making your lawn less inviting for those pesky intruders.
  6. Impress Your Spouse: Okay, maybe mowing the lawn won’t make you the next Brad Pitt, but a well-manicured lawn is definitely a win in the household. Your spouse will appreciate your efforts, and you might just score some extra points for looking like a pro out there.

So next time you’re tempted to give your lawn a buzzcut, remember: your grass is not a crew cut candidate. Treat it right, and it’ll reward you with a lush, beautiful lawn that’s the envy of the neighborhood.

Call today: Want more tips on how to keep your lawn looking its best? Contact LawnSavers today for a free estimate and let our Customer Success Guides help you achieve a lawn that makes you—and your neighbors—say, “WOW!”