Lawn Rust, a fungus of the Pucciniaceae family, is a lawn disease condition that stains the surface of grass blades an orange-rusty colour making the turfgrass plant appear similar to metal left out in the elements. Heavy night time dews, cooler…
LawnSavers Blog
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BEST Lawn Care in Maple
If you live in Maple and are in need of a top-notch lawn maintenance service near you, look no further than the lawn care experts at LawnSavers. We have three great lawn care programs that can help keep your Maple lawn…
BEST Concord Lawn Care
If you live in the Concord area in Vaughan and are currently searching for a top-rated lawn maintenance service near you, look no further than LawnSavers. We have many great lawn care programs that can help keep your lawn green…
Craneflies and leatherjackets – the new pest in town
Lawns in the Greater Toronto Area have another insect pest to contend with – craneflies and leatherjackets. Typically your lawn has been harassed by chinch bugs and white grubs. However in the last several years, a new invasive pest has…
Want to install an inground irrigation (sprinkler) system?
The idea of an in-ground irrigation system appeals to a lot of people. An automated machine to water your lawn so you don’t have to! And a well-installed irrigation system really does take a lot of the worry and hassle…
How to Get Rid of Crabgrass
🌱 What Does Crabgrass Look Like? Crabgrass is an annual strain of wild grass (a new plant will grow from seed each year). Seeds travel on the wind and are transported by animals. Once in the ground, the seeds lie…
How to control your weeds in 7 Steps – Lawn Care 101
Every year, homeowners wake up to the reality that their lawns and gardens are a living collection of biological organisms that start to grow again each spring with or without our effort and input. But the difference is, what you…
What are all these little trees growing in my grass?
From: Richard Sent: May 14, 2014 11:44 AM To: Kyle Tobin Subject: weeds or saplings in lawn I have this weird plant growing in my lawn, is it possible to have somebody come by to spray?
Chinch Bugs In Your Lawn Spotted (Everywhere!)
Our technicians begin to find adult chinch bugs emerging from lawns as early as the beginning of June most years in the Toronto Area. They are usually found in the thatch. Their young, commonly called ‘nymphs’ are the ones that…
“Help, the Raccoons & Skunks Are Tearing Up My Lawn!”
This is the common call of thousands of frantic homeowners every spring to our lawn experts as the soil warms and they look out to find animals have been digging holes in their yard during the night. The first…