Topic: Alerts

LawnSavers Blog

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White Grubs in Your Lawn? How to Repair Lawn Damage From Grubs

TL;DR Identification: White grubs are the larvae of beetles like European Chafers and Japanese Beetles. They feed on grass roots, causing lawns to turn brown and feel spongy. Damage Signs: Affected grass pulls up easily, resembling loose carpet. In spring,…

How to Save Your Lawn & Trees From Heat and Drought Stress

Many homeowners like you want to know how you can help your lawn and garden make it through intense heat when it is sweltering hot and humid out. Lawns in Ontario are comprised of ‘Cool-season’ grass species like Kentucky Bluegrass…

Choosing a reputable lawn care company- Global News Story

Today, I woke up to hear the story of a fly-by-night , so called ‘lawn care contractor’ who ripped off an unsuspecting disabled lady.  When confronted, not only did he run from Global News Investigative Reporter Sean O’Shea, he punched…

WORLDS BIGGEST Christmas Colouring Contest PRIZE!

That’s right, LawnSavers Professional Christmas Lighting and Decorating Specialists are sponsoring the biggest prize in Kids Christmas Colouring Contests ever!* YOUR KIDS CAN WIN a $3500.00 Christmas Decoration package for your family home by Entering our Christmas Colouring Contest today!!